Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Recipe Just for Kicks--Polar Express Hot Chocolate

Recipe Just for Kicks--Polar Express Hot Chocolate
Polar express hot chocolate
We've all gotten used to cocoa that comes from powder and hot water. This is what hot chocolate is supposed to be! I intend to be sipping on this while presents are opened.

I have shamelessly stolen this from Honey and Fitz off of Pinterest, but if you keep scrolling you'll get to the original poster's link, so it's all good.

Polar Express Hot Chocolate (aka the BEST hot chocolate you've ever tasted) Recipe:
--1.5 cups of heavy cream
--1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
--2 cups of bittersweet chocolate chips
--6 cups of milk
--1 tsp vanilla extract

In a large pot over low heat, combine all of the above ingredients.  Stir regularly for 30-40 minutes until chocolate is fully melted and incorporated with other ingredients.  

If you're making this for a party, you could add all of the above ingredients to a crockpot a few hours before guests arrive.  Provide a ladle and mugs and let them serve themselves.   

There is even a recipe for homemade marshmallows! Who knew you could do that?

Movie of the Month--Hydraulics

 I love hokey old black and white movies. Hokey old instructional videos of cutting edge technology are a hoot! Ever wonder how your hydraulic brakes work? Wonder no more! This 1936 instructional video from Chevrolet explains it

Hot Dog! 0-60 in 20 seconds!

Safety First--What Is This Eyesight Thing?

Automotive engineers are relentless in their quest for a crash-proof car that will keep you and your babies safe. Eyesight from Subaru is the latest innovation in crash prevention and avoidance.

This is how it works. It's pretty amazing!!

Safety First--Winterize Your Ride

Who knows more about winter weather than the Weather Channel? Am I right? Here are some common sense tips to get you and your car through til April.

Winterize Your Car

Driving in the winter means snow, sleet and ice that can lead to slower traffic, hazardous road conditions, hot tempers and unforeseen dangers. To help you make it safely through winter, here are some suggestions from the National Safety Council to make sure that you and your vehicle are prepared.

Driving in Snow and Ice

The best advice for driving in bad winter weather is not to drive at all, if you can avoid it.
Don't go out until the snow plows and sanding trucks have had a chance to do their work, and allow yourself extra time to reach your destination.
If you must drive in snowy conditions, make sure your car is prepared (TIPS), and that you know how to handle road conditions.