Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year's Resolutions--Here We Go Again!

The new year is always a time of reflection and re-evaluation. Every year, I brainstorm a list of weaknesses I want to work on to improve my time on Earth. This year, I had a list of 23 things. Some of them have to wait  until a little later in the year--like planting a garden. Some of them (fitness and finances) are the same %#@$ things I've been battling for...ever! So far I've been successful at abstaining from caffeine and artificial sweeteners. Also daily devotionals are going well, so far. Yes, I know it's only the 5th.

Melanie Haiken at wrote 5 New Year's Resolutions You Won't Keep--And 5 You Will. She offers some sound advice on how to set yourself up for success at these common commitments:
  • Going on a diet
  • Quitting smoking
  • Getting more exercise
  • Lose 20 lbs
  • Giving up a habit like nail biting, hair twirling, etc.
The following list is long overdue. Curtis Silver at gives us 10 New Year's Resolutions for Everyone Else.

He includes such much-needed gems as "not speaking in text" and "showering daily". This means you! (No, not're fine, I meant you!!)

What resolutions have you made? How is it going so far? Comment below!